Highlights from “Transforming Salesforce into the Ultimate Management & Reporting Powerhouse” at Snowforce 2024

By David Rose, President & Founder

The engineers at BRIO service a long list of industries and notice a pattern: Salesforce remains a hugely popular CRM that almost all companies underutilize.

Sean Barret has been writing about the Roundup case and how firms are electing to manage their caseload with one, unified system to reduce chaos and increase the number of cases they can take on. The legal field is no exception and we often design systems where salesForce is relied on for centralized data.

Due to its ubiquity and our expertise, I elected to present “Transforming Salesforce into the Ultimate Management and Reporting Powerhouse” at Snowforce 2024 Utah recently.

I pulled some of the most powerful use cases of creating a unified system around Salesforce from my presentation, and here they are:

  • Custom Salesforce Platform Solutions: Transforming Salesforce into a centralized hub, utilizing consolidated data to inform your sales and allocation process and providing real time insights of your KPIs.
  • People Operations: Centralize employee information for streamlined HR management of the people who work for you, their roles and projects, key dates, active devices and licenses, and more.
  • Project Management: Track the full lifecycle of projects and integrate information from the systems your team uses to manage projects in one location—things like task trackers, time and billing systems, or resource allocation tools.
  • Dashboards and Advanced Reports: Consolidate data from multiple POINT systems for automated, real-time reporting on unique business KPIs as you capture the right data to later view, share, and analyze it with custom, automated dashboards and reports.
  • Data Pipelines: Seamlessly weave together information from disparate sources to create unified and insightful reports, dashboards, and actionable intelligence.
  • 360° Customer View: Know everything about your customers and see it in one place.
  • Sales to Ops Handoff: Convert won opportunities to projects and ensure a smooth sales-to-operations handoff, even automate parts of the process by creating and linking projects, contacts, onboarding tasks, and more.

Send me a message on LinkedIn if you have a Salesforce license and would like to know if you’re using the platform to its full capacity. From cost efficiency to happier employees, there are many reasons why companies that fully capitalize on their tooling succeed in their domain.

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